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I can't describe myself with my cat staring at me. Stop it.

Thursday, 31 July 2014


Tomorrow will be my very first day doing my attachment as a law student.

Not really sure how to feel about that.

Like what the heck do I do anyway..

How do I act like a real  law student!Put my hair in a bun? Wear mascara? Quote random Articles from the Federal Constitution?

Say is there evidence to support your statement every five minutes? 
Someone needs to tell me stuff. Because I've got nothing.

I thought I would have a super compact head by the time I embark on important journeys like attachment and stuff but really, I feel just as clueless as I did back in foundation. 

It's amazing.
 I can feel it. 

My brains..Shrinking..

Besides that, and the urge of wanting to poke my eyes with a satay stick I think I feel rather fine.

All will be well.

I just need to chill and breathe. Maybe some weed.

Speaking of chilling! I think Nick Jonas's new song called Chains is contributing to my anxiety attacks. 

I like it, but it makes me feel anxious. 

Like I'm walking alone in a dark alley and there's someone following me from the back and I left my pepper spray in my room -sort of anxious. 

It's weird.

Oh and today I had oatmeal for breakfast! 

I wanted to make it look all appealing and foodporn worthy by adding certain cheerful elements like dried raspberries, some oddly shaped bananas cut with love and tender loving care , and some good ol' raisins but somehow it turned out like that.

Must be the lighting. Or my amazing photography skills. I'm not sure. 

Also, spent the third day of raya at the hospital yesterday. Which would've turned out depressing if it wasn't for...

My feet.
Naw I'm kidding. 

The wheelchair!

We had to walk everywhere in the huge hospital because there were so many procedures and people kept giving us wrong information and grandpa got really tired and was moving slower than a baby snail so we borrowed a wheelchair!

Took a while to convince him to sit on it , because he insisted wheelchairs are for extremely old people or in his own words "orang tua lebai" and he well...was not. 

When he finally agreed, and I started wheeling him about I could see it in his eyes.

It lit up.

He was so happy. It was hilarious.

The last time i saw him that happy was when I showed him my secret stash of chocolates.

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

We are all 21!!

By the time I publish this, it will be 30th of July and this wonderful lady by the name of Binxy bukan nama sebenar will have officially turn 21!!

Yay! Happy Birthday Bud! 

Now that's everyone in the gang now.

Became friends with this lovely lady ever since high school with many thanks to Juliekins for introducing us.

They both go way back since their toddler days but somehow I weaseled my way in.

 I can't really remember when was it exactly that I realized that this is definitely one of  the humans I would want my future kids to call aunty and visit every Raya and Thaipusam, but being able to be friends with someone who knows me really well even when I try to wiggle my way out with a lie (Eg: Mmm this food tastes delicious!) makes me wonder how come I wasn't friends with her sooner in primary school!

All those wasted years! 

I'll always remember that time few years back when I was feeling so stressed out with studies that  I just dropped everything and went straight to her house without much of a warning and she welcomed me without any hassle and took the time to convince me not to go ballistic.

Because that is Binxy! 

One of the kindest,friendliest, selfless, talented (baker,designer,singer,guitarist,photographer,sister,friends-gluer-sticker and superwoman okay!) human I'll ever have the privilege to be friends with .

And also, probably the only person who can make all sorts of goofy faces and still look beautiful in photos! (no idea how the hell she does that I swear)

Can't wait for Juliekins to return (sorta like last time when we were waiting for you to return I just remembered) so we can run around the trees and drink green tea till we're all drunk and hyper!

 Bless these two ladies. Bless them i say! <3