The other day we had scones!
See, the three of us were always talking about taking some time off from studies and the mundane daily routines and just get in the car (well originally it was a plane) and go somewhere we could take pictures and have nice food and just have fun.
But the problem is , with all three of us studying different things in different places with different holidays, every plan for a short little getaway failed. Sometimes because of the money , and most of the time it's because of the timing.
But somehow, this random little trip worked out!
Our initial plan was to go to London. But that was a bit too ambitious for the moment so we settled for somewhere a little more...ah screw it. I'm just going to pretend we went to London.
Okay. London. We went to Cameron Highlands London ! Yes.
Yeah in case you were wondering what's with the flower crowns, that was my fault. I insisted that everyone should bring along their flower crowns so we could take pictures and pretend we were woodland creatures.
Talk about a deprived childhood.
The trip there was rather pleasant! I thought we were going to sleep in the car first class section of the airplane but of course we didn't.
We babbled on the entire journey more than my primary school teacher during Monday assemblies.
Anyhoo, the main event was the food of course! We had the delectable scones I was craving for almost 4 months and then pigged out on other tea type food like sandwiches and tiny cakes.
We even insisted on waiting till 11am (which was when they start serving tea) just so we could have the tea and scones.
Fairy creatures |
Those eggs. They just stare deep into your soul... |
Ironically I didn't take pictures of the scones.
London Cameron was definitely much colder than the last time I went! The weather was cold enough for us to prance around in our dresses and it only started drizzling after we were done exploring the ground and taking pictures.
That's us walking down two paths pretending to be dramatic.
We also had lavender ice cream for the very first time! It tasted exactly like how it smells. I'm not really sure if that's a good thing, but it was fascinating nevertheless.
Two hands holding lavender ice cream with lavender in the background oh and look got yellow flowers |
Me floating gracefully towards the gate and another fairy creature. |
You'll probably just see my backside throughout this whole thing, mainly because I'm too lazy to censor out my face.
And then we got married and lived happily ever after.. |
Look at Juliekin's terrified face at the thought of being married to me.
All in all it was a pretty fantastic day!
So next stop, New Zealand Negeri Sembilan!! :D